The else attribute and falsy values
The Perch templating engine has a number of ways that allows you to conditionally output content (and markup). One of these ways is the else
attribute. It provides a quick and easy way to output a default if a field is empty:
<perch:content id="success_url" type="text" else="/thank-you">
However, the templating engine (as of v3.1.5) won’t output anything if you use some falsy values like false
or 0
<perch:content id="option" type="checkbox" value="true" else="false">
In this case you can use !true
if you need to output something that evaluates to false
(e.g. in Javascript):
<perch:content id="option" type="checkbox" value="true" else="!true">
Alternatively, you can use the perch:if
conditional tags:
<perch:if exists="option">
<perch:content id="option" type="checkbox" value="true">
A practical use case would be giving the editor the option to overwirte an Alpine.js component’s the defaults. Here is a sample dropdown component from Alpine.js’s docs:
<div x-data="{ open: false }">
<button @click="open = true">Open Dropdown</button>
<ul x-show="open" @click.away="open = false">
Dropdown Body
The dropdown is closed by default, but if you wanted to the editor to overwrite this default, you can add a checkbox field to a Perch template:
<div x-data="{ open: <perch:content id="open" type="checkbox" value="true" else="!true"> }">
<button @click="open = true">Open Dropdown</button>
<ul x-show="open" @click.away="open = false">
Dropdown Body