Linebreak and Anchors Template Filters

Two new Pipits have been released today. Both Pipits are template filters.

The linebreak Template Filter

The linebreak template filter inserts HTML line breaks <br> before new lines in a textarea field type.

When using a Markdown editor like SimpleMDE you have to press Enter twice to add a new line and this results in the following markup:

<p>First line</p>
<p>Second line</p>

This is fine in many cases, but in some cases you may want the following markup instead:

    First line
    Second line

For instance, this is useful for addresses. You may want to provide a single field for Editors to add the address. Instead of using a text editor or adding multiple fields (address_line_1, address_line_2, etc), you can using this filter to inset the line breaks:

    <perch:content id="address" type="textarea" label="Company Address" filter="linebreak">

So the editor enters the following:

P. Sherman,
42 Wallaby Way,
NSW 2000, Australia
Address linebreak

And the field outputs (with the help of the filter):

P. Sherman,
42 Wallaby Way,
NSW 2000, Australia

You can download the linebreak filter from here.

The anchors Template Filter

The anchors template filter adds IDs to HTML headings h1-h6 (based on their content) in a textarea field.

You may enter a heading like so in a textarea field with a Markdown editor:

# This is a heading

Regular output is:

<h1>This is a heading</h1>

With the anchors template filter:

<h1 id="this-is-a-heading">This is a heading</h1>

This is useful for long blog posts and documentation as you can share links to particular section /docs/#how-to-configure.

You can download the anchors filter from here.
