Sharing App

The Sharing app enables you to quickly and easily add sharing links without JavaScript.




Website URL

By default Pipit Sharing uses $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] to get the website’s domain

You can tell it to get it from somewhere else. Under the Sharing app settings, there’s a select field “Get website URL from”. It has options:

Option What it means
Settings From the Website URL field in the Settings.
$_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] A less secure alternative, but useful if sub-domains are used.
Perch configuration From Perch configuration file. Use the constant SITE_URL

Defining the constant SITE_URL:

define('SITE_URL', '');


If you are using the Website URL in the Settings option, whatever protocol (http or https) you set there will be used.

If you fail to add the protocol to Website URL or use the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] option, the app will check whether you have enabled SSL in your Perch config file perch/config.php. If you do not have SSL enabled in your config, the app will check the page’s URL at runtime and will use whatever protocol is being used.

To enable SSL in your perch/config.php:

define('PERCH_SSL', true);

You can find out more about Perch SSL configuration in Perch’s documentation.

You can now generate “add to” calendar links for:

If you would like to suggest other options, feel free to do so on GitHub.
